
in charge是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

in charge

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adj.in command,in control,at the helm,responsible,answerable



un.1.in command or in a position of responsibility

1.主管 stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望 in charge 主管;在…掌管之下 in full charge 负全责;勇猛 …

2.负责 engineer n. 工程师 in charge 主管, 负责 slightly ad. 微量地; 少许地 ...

3.在…掌管之下 stand a good chance 很有可能,大有希望 in charge 主管;在…掌管之下 in full charge 负全责;勇猛 …

4.看管 character n. 性格;特点 in charge 主管;看管 come into being 形式;产生 ...

5.管理 in trouble 处在困境中 in charge 管理;负责 in detail 详细地 ...

6.负责人 charge at 冲击;猛攻 in charge 负责,主管;在…看管下 in charge of 负责;主管 ...


1.What a woman really wants is to be able to be in charge of her own life.女人真正想要的是能够主宰自己的命运。

2.And if you know of any among them with special ability, put them in charge of my own livestock.你若知道他们中间有什么能人,就派他们看管我的牲畜。

3.Then she was placed in charge of a small hospital in London.接着她被派去管理伦敦的一座小医院。

4.When he's in charge of Liverpool games we don't seem to do well. The big decisions always seem to go against us.只要是他执法的利物浦的比赛,我们都没怎么赢过。每回他做出重要的判罚,都与我们对立。

5.I call teacher in charge teacher said, in a telephone call in to my request too, so I don't allow me to leave!我打给班主任,在电话中班主任说到我的要求太过了,所以我不允许我请假!

6.Port Authority official said the National Transportation Safety Board is now in charge of the investigation.港口事物管理局的一位官员说,国家运输安全委员会现在正在负责调查工作。

7.Example: Mike has never worked in advertising before. Having him in charge of the new recruits is like the blind leading the blind.迈克以前从没做过广告工作。由他来带新人那纯粹是不懂瞎指挥。

8.Cronus is time creativity and destructive combination, his wife is in charge of the goddess of deserting Rhea.克洛诺斯是时间的创造力和破坏力的结合体,他的妻子是掌管岁月流逝的女神瑞亚。

9.He said the Americans are in charge of security in the Green Zone, but no one dares to hold them responsible for this attack.他说美国人负责绿区的安全,但没人敢让他们为此次袭击负责。

10.Being an administrator or in charge of the IMF used to be a position of great power, but this is no longer the case.作为IMF的主管或行政官过去一直占据着巨大的权力,但情况不再是这样了。